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Jaguar Athletics

Carrboro High School


Jaguar Athletics

Carrboro High School

Jaguar Athletics

Carrboro High School



2.0 years ago by Stephen Scanga

Summer and Fall Information

Open Gyms
June 28/30 and July 19/21 from 3-5pm
You must have a current physical on file to participate.

August Schedule

Tryouts will be on August 1 and 2 from 9-11am and also 3-5pm each day.
Plan to attend all 4 sessions.

Team practice will be from 9-2 with lunch provided on August 3-5, then 8-11.

August 9 Scrimmage with Seaforth time and location TBD.

August 12 through 14 long weekend off.

August 15, 16 practice 4-6:30.

August 17 First match at Southern Alamance

August 18 practice 4-6:30

August 19/20 East Chapel Hill Tournament.  Schedule TBD.

August 22 and on, after school practice until 6:15.

August 25 Cedar Ridge at home

August 30 First conference match at South Granville.

